Davis the shar pei dog needs help!


Davis is my nepehw's dog. He's a shar pei dog and he is very sick. He takes pills every day to manage pain and he will stop walking as the illness progresses. We're asking help to pay for the surgery high price. Click on the link to go to Davis's blog and learn all about it!

Three ways to help Davis!
- Sharing Davis situation! Use the power of internet!
- Donating some money! Every amount counts!
- Offering the profit from of a sale if you are an artist or a crafter and have a blog/store - you pick an item and we'll link to your blog/store and help to promote it. Please note that if you live outside Portugal the sale must be open to those who live in your country only because mailing expenses to Portugal might be disencouraging.

- Other ideas!
How to make a donation: via PAYPAL ou BANK TRANSFER
Subsrição encerrada.
For your name to be on the Donations list, after making your donation via ATM or banck transfer, please send us the scanned receipt with your name and where you live! Use davisharpei(at) gmail.com. If not, your donation will appear as "anonymous."
Davis has been assisted by the veterinary team of Clinicão Vet Hospital. If you have any doubts about Davis's condition, please contact Clinicão Health Animal Clinic.


Praça António Sérgio nº 20
3080-604 Figueira da Foz - PORTUGAL
E-mail: Hospital Veterinário Clinicão: clinicao@clinicao.pt


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