Christchurch Earthquake Relief Fund: wanna help?


All earnings from this Ross Heywood's Zazzle Store section will be donated to the Earthquake Relief Fund in New Zealand.

New Zealand suffered one of its worst natural disasters when a 6.3 magnitude earthquake strucked second-biggest city called Christchurch on 22th February. A 7.1 magnitude shake also struck Christchurch September 4, 2010, causing damage but were no deaths. This time the shallow quake, just two miles below the surface, caused several office blocks to collapse as well as destroying a 110-year-old Anglican cathedral.

I know little about New Zealand. I saw An angel at my table, The Piano and Whale Rider. So, that is my New Zealand. I know the islands were once a Britain colony. I know about indigenous Maori population and the traditional crafts of carving and weaving. And I also know that James Cook was one of the first Europeans to set foot on the islands. And that's it! I imagine huge mountains and tall trees and the winds blowing from the sea and I seem to forget about its populated cities until one it's on the news for the worst reason.

A few weeks ago I found Ross’s store. He gave shelter to a couple of hedgehogs and displayed their photo on some Zazzle products. It caught my attention. I adore those cute animals! He lives in New Zealand. He started the fund raise for Christchurch and I decided to help. I feel deeply sorry for all who have to go through this kind of tragedy. I experienced only very small earth shakes but I get really scared when it happens. Last time was 2009. To watch earthquakes devastation images – Japan, Turkey, Italy, Haiti- is almost as bad as watching war devastation images. Earthquakes comes without warning, we still can’t predict it. We’re powerless to defend ourselves. I gave Ross a hand. Now, it's your turn to give Christchurch a hand too.

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Sherman Unkefer said…
Lovely. I should make a habit of checking your blog more often. Thanks for posting.

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