
Moira said…
Love it!

(Very sad about Micheal Crihton)
dodo said…
Very "Jurassic"! ;-)
Anonymous said…
Cool, I used to collage, it an be very addictive. I think you have to do it to believe that.

Ah well Michael's moved on to another geological period now. Let's hope they haven't filled his coffin with amber or they'll end up cloning him in a few years and ressurecting E.R

P.S Thanks for the comments regarding 'Black Christ'.
Food and Drugs said…
Strange being.
What planet does he come from?
Mauricio said…

Tanto tempo que não vinha. Tudo deu uma parada neste ano. Tentando voltar devagar.

Um beijo grande.
An said…
Escele tes, como ssiempre es elentes, es un pla er poder seguir tu prolífico arte. bicoa a moreas
Podem dizer-me se vêem a coluna direita do blog?Eu não a vejo há mais de dois dias,acho que isto tem bug!
Can you tell me if you can see the right column in this blog?
Anonymous said…
Estou a ver!:)
Lola said…
hehe, i love this!.

by the way, you know those masks are not by me, just the collage on top..
darkdarling said…
This is so so lovely.

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