#194_ROCK IN RIO LISBOA (Eu não vou)


Elvis is really jealous now!

Rock 'n Roll, baby!
Mauricio said…
Rock In Rio,

Tanto tempo atrás!!!

Vale a collage. um beijo;
Anonymous said…
ÔOoooo, que saudade que eu tava daqui, menina!, ai, peguei várias imagens de presente. A menina com pricing no beiço está fastástica!
Parabéns, viu?
MUZA said…
As SL'ang Life Magazine, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the special event, a presentation of Portuguese Second Life Community. Our aim is to present the most interesting activities of Portuguese Residents and join the celebrations of the Portuguese Communities Day (June 10th). SL'ang Life magazine strives to actively participate in promoting initiatives leading to the creation of a community in SL. Thus, we offer space on our island and on pages of our magazine to present local activities to new public. A transcript of all presentations will be available at SL'ang Life magazine’s website, and a report from the meetings will be printed in our magazine. Such events are a chance to start a cooperation and to learn about similar projects from all over the world.
We would like to thank Ibrahim Bates, member of Portuguese Community, writer, our reader and most of all our friend, without whom this event would not be possible
Please, join us as we welcome Portuguese Community to SL'ang Life.

Kind regards,
SL'ang Life Team

Portuguese Community presentation schedule:

Day 1 (June 5th)
~ exhibitions openings ~
Day 2 (June 6th)
~ Welcome party ~
Day 3 (June 7th)
~ Portuguese university researchers in SL ~
Day 4 (June 8th)
~ Portuguese creators presentations ~
Day 5 (June 9th)
~ Portuguese sims presentation ~
Day 6 (June 10th)
~ Portuguese Community Day ~

During the whole event you are welcome to vist the info kiosk area in the southwest part of the island, displaying Portuguese Residentsts' activities.

SL’ANG LIFE - PRINTED MAGAZINE ABOUT SECOND LIFE. Available FOR FREE for all SL Residents. All you have to do is to make a subscription at http://slanglife.com/
Unknown said…
- tipo; seus trabalhos são perfeitos! *.*
Food and Drugs said…
Your paintings are very artistic and have a unique style.
I have set a link to your blog on mine.
lebanesa said…
ahah - love it. Cool
dodo said…
You ROCK! :-D
Anonymous said…
You have a very nice paintings!
Thanks a lot for your lovely comment, I hope you stop by again soon…
Anonymous said…
Eu fui... mas não fui (estava a trabalhar, da parte de fora)

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