Número 22_ Number 22!

Parabéns à RIMA, do Canadá!

Congrats to RIMA, from Canada!


LOTO 2 Lottery

Concurso 27/2007Número suplementar/additional number: 22


An said…
Minha noraboa a ganhadora/or, Um pracer ter concursado :) Un bico Belinha
Rima said…
WOW! WOW! WOW!!!!! Woweee!! Yaaay!
Obrigado Muito, Mucho Gracias, Merci, Merci, Merci, Thank you, thank you, thank you, Oh, I'm sooo happy! You are a lovely, lovely artist, and I am going to be so proud to own one of your enchanting works.

Here comes the hard part: which one? I do love each and every one of them. But I think my favourite is pretty in pink, because it reminds me of my older girl's spirit: she's only 7, but she is such a little diva, and this lovely creature seems to have been made for her.

I will be emailing you as well for a more personal message,but let me repeat here:

OBRIGADO MUITO, ME CARA AMIGA (sorry for the mistakes?)
Anonymous said…
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, que pena,,, Bom, sorte é sorte, parabéns a Rima! Faça mais isso, adorei o concurso. E você como está?
I am jealous of my younger sister!!! No, just kidding! Congratulations to everyone and especially to Rima and to Belinha for offering such great work. Bravo!
dodo said…
Lucky rima!!! ;-)
Lucky you Rima.
Anonymous said…
O teu blog está muito giro.
Gostei mesmo.
Tens bonecos fantásticos.
Nós já fomos também à Figueira e é uma praia muito importante, disse-me a minha mãe e o meu pai.
Gostei muito de teres vindo ao meu blogue.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi! I don't know if your internet problems have been fixed but if they are, please come by to claim your well-deserved award. I mean it from all my heart.I miss you and I hope you are doing well. Lots of hugs, my friend :)

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