
Hi! I love the new architecture! I am in Beirut and I can't always check the internet. Hope you are having a great summer!
k-ligraphic said…
muy buen trabajo gracias por el buen arte
dodo said…
Nice textures- have you been to the beach?! ;-)
Julia said…
Great art again !!
harlequinpan said…
When will she come to the window?
Anonymous said…
great choice of textures.
Rima said…
very lovely, belinha! I love both this one and the one before. The castle looks like a perfect memory of a summer day at the beach.
Rima said…
Thanks for responding, Belinha. Even though June has been blah for you, you still have the loveliness of a day on the seashore immortalized in this very bright and happy piece. The weather doesn't matter when you're born and live near the sea - it's the sea itself that stays with you and lights up your life no matter what. I really miss the Mediterranean, that I felt so connected to in Beirut where I grew up. The lakes around Toronto where I live now are not very satisfying in comparison, sniff, sniff...
ATG said…
Olá. Já acompanho os seus blogues há algum tempo. Sem sombra de dúvida muito interessantes, com especial destaque para este no qual comento.
Continue o bom trabalho.
Mauricio said…
Olá Belinha, saudade!!!!

Tudo bom com vc?

Lindo castelo.
Dear Belinha! I dreamt about your little witch yesterday. Any news???? Good luck!
Anonymous said…
Belo trabalho, belas cores, belas texturas ... só podia ser da Belinha !

Um grande abraço !
My dear Belinha, thank you for your comment on my blog. Congratulations on all the new projects. This is all very exciting and you deserve the best. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work and reading your news. Pretty soon, I will have to learn Portuguese to keep up with all your blogs!!! Again, best to you.
Anonymous said…
Ahhhhhh, estava de férias, mas, que saudade daqui. Bom voltar a te ver, Belinha
Art&Tal said…
ora vou sair para levar umas marteladas. s joao...

amanha falo contigo

e 3 circulos para holeart?

anda belinha

I love the little castle:)

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