
Olá Belinha, td bem?
Votei na bruxinha. Espero que consiga seu intento, ok?
Seu blog tá mt legal!!
Rima said…
Wow, Belinha - you rock! I love your work (Gabriel's work too, budding collagist that he is). It's been so much fun discovering your blog and your artwork, I love all of it. It's very fresh and very lovely. I hope you win the stamp competition, I certainly voted for your beautiful little witch, she's adorable. See you online, all the best
dodo said…
This is so lovely- the "water" dress, the roses and the sad expression on her face! It could make an excellent figure for a fairytale!

Haven't been able to check the other blogs you chose yet- not enough time lately... :-(
Anonymous said…
lovely blue/gold/ pale pink
like the famous ingres painting.
omar said…
Belinda, gran trabajo, cada vez me sorprendes más!!! Felicitaciones!
Anonymous said…
Muito lindo, maravilhoso. Pobre D. Rosas, títulos e sem amor.
tacci said…
Olá Belinha. Vim dar uma espreitadela nos seus blogues e estou a gostar muito do que ando a ver.
Um abraço e até sempre.

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