
An said…
Por no variar, encantador trabajo, que tal va el sello. subes posiciones? un beso;)
dodo said…
Muito bonita- gostei dos pezinhos!
Vegana da Serra said…
Já votei no teu selo, está magnífico!
ya tienes mi voto amiga...

Fatima Vinagre said…
Vestes simples que caracterizam as gentes de África. Bj
Vladimir said…
simplesmente magnífico....
Jampix said…
Hi I think it's a bit rude to go on other blogs almost demanding that we vote for your stamp...That's not why I started blogging, you probably got my blogsite from Uli's, I would appriciate it if you won't come back with attitude like that..so I will not vote for you and please stay away, thank you
Mauricio said…

Tsk....tsk.....tsk... be shame, man.

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