Recebi pelo correio esta peça realizada pela DJ PETTITT. DJ reside no Oregon, EUA. Vale a pena espreitar o seu blog onde podem encontrar trabalhos diversos realizados através da técnica da colagem, esboços, fotografias e pequenos relatos do seu dia-a-dia criativo. Thank you,DJ!
DJ PETTITT send me this piece by mail. She lives in Oregon,EUA. Go and see her blog where you can find several works, sketches, photos and comments on her everyday creative life. Obrigada, DJ!


dodo said…
Very interesting work.
I like the slide show with your collaborations, a nice idea!

(The other day i saw in your profile the Palavras Cruzadas blog and read the text about recycling- i think i was interrupted by a phonecall and left without leaving a comment! I'll go back now:)
dodo said…
It wasn't the palavras cruzadas-it was another one with older texts- what happened?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aku said…
hi! nice web look. i like the blue lines you use. i am thinking to move to beta but.. don't have time to alter the look (if should). i don't know.

some photos do not appear, my connection probably. i like the idea of putting the collaboration work on a slideshow. got an idea! thanks!

nice day dear..
harlequinpan said…
Hello Belinha

You received a nice mail,Nice collage!Thanks for sharing!
Thank you DJ !Great work,you have a great husband !

Good Luck
Fatima Vinagre said…
Thanks Belinha. Adorei a mão e o novo visual do blog. Bj
Art&Tal said…
vai ver as minhas caixinhas a

que bom. vou ver logo o teu amigo.


Vinilos Ink said…
que lindo recibir correo con cosas tan bellas! .
Me gustan mucho tus trabajos, el payaso... GENIAL!
Toñito Avalos said…
Grashas por la recomendación,Belinhita!Igual,tus trabajos son igual de buenos!


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