
harlequinpan said…
Hey ! brother !
Ecumene said…
Nice job...

He looks like dancing..

In greek we also say Paliatso
(not Paliasho....)


Good music change...
what is the song's name..
Fatima Vinagre said…
Está tão giro! Bj
Reeholio said…
Hi Belinha, I love your blog. I've added it to the Portugal spot. My intention is to list a blogger FROM each country, not a blog about each country. Please remember to link back to A World of Bloggers.

Thanks, Rhys
Anonymous said…
goobeetsa-blog said:

lots of patterns.
very cool.
Vitor Lopes said…
Muito giro mesmo....
Anonymous said…
Olha, eu não sei o que é giro, mas se duas pessoas falaram que tá giro, demorô, é isso aí, também achei muito giro. beijo, querida
jesukiran said…
nice one and in his pocket flower looks cool,.....that song too

thanks :)
dodo said…
Palhaço triste com flor no peito...:)
Rafael Arjona said…
Inquietante pallaso post-halloween.

Perdona mi ignorancia, pero ¿como se colabora en lo de slide?
omar said…
Gran trabajo Belinha, te felicito, tu colage tiene alma.
Lori Witzel said…
Aaiiieeee!!! He's about to fall right on top of me --- OOOOFFFFF.

Dang, now I have greasepaint stains on me. !@#$%^ clown.

Toñito Avalos said…
me gusta mucho!tudo bem!
saludos desde Perú,arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
the doodlers said…
Hi Belinha. The clown is wearing a poppy like the ones all veterans of wars wear in Canada on Remembrance Day which was this weekend here. How apropos!

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