
Mauricio said…
Oi Belinha!!!!!!

Sexta feira 13........

Um ótimo fim de semana pra vc, aproveite bastante :o)
turquoise cro said…
Ha! Belinha! I just sent a little paperdolly to my little pen pal who is I think maybe 9?! and I named her Chicky! Maybe I'll post them later, hers and mine! I love your chick!!! xo Happy Week-end!!!
dodo said…
Like Audrey Hepburn in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"...
Fatima Vinagre said…
Olá Belinha! Chique e vistosa! Um abraço para ti também!
Anonymous said…
muito legal a ChicChick!
abandonou o fotolog então?
bom fim de semana!
Art&Tal said…
A said…
buenisimos tus dibujos!!
y gracias por tus opiniones.
hasta pronto.
harlequinpan said…
Hello Belinha

Very nice shape.
i lost my sunglass last week,your work reminds me i need to buy a new one.
Sancho Panza don't want to be my
sitter,He always run away ....
maybe nextime i'll show you

Good Luck
Ecumene said…
it 's like Bruxinha....

I am scared...
She wants to give us a hug....
Have you foreigners voters Europeans in local Elections?
Vinilos Ink said…
Me encanta tu blog! es excelente tu trabajo.
cariños desde Argentina
muy bueno el blog....
saludos desde Chile...
Toñito Avalos said…
me gustò mucho tu blog!la verdad q te voy a dedicar un post en mi weblog para difundir tu arte.Me encantaron muchos tus trabajos!
yo conozco a Mauricio Planel,un amigo mìo!
saludos desde Perú!
Toñito Avalos said…
y gracias por tu visita,arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Beekeeper said…
haha this is nice!!

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