Even I'm waiting for a new collage...And many thanks for your beautiful comments and thoughts. Yeah, that's very true...West portrays India exactly the way you've mentioned...But unfortunately there's so much more better things here which, I'm sure, they dont even know of!! Trust me, India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world...You get virgin beaches, untouched himalayan peaks, endless deserts...You name it , India has it all!! Of course.....Not to mention the beautiful and big-hearted people, who inspite of all the bad living conditions, live life with a smile on their faces!!
What's the HTML for "holding her breath until she's blue"?
Come back come back come back! I miss your collages!
Anonymous said…
tAMBEM EU TOU AGUARDANDO NOVA COLAGEM. Disseste em meu blogg que por vezes "les invejosamente o que os outros escreve...". Tu dizes bem mais por manipulação de cortes e recortes! Eu sim invejo teu blogg! Beijo
Welcome back!!! You're here finally! I'm looking forward to see your new collages, please, don't post them ALL together, we need time to see each one! It's a pity you lost so much work. Did you also loose the illustrations for the book you were preparing- i hope not... Thanks for visiting, i'll be back to see the new posts!
hi belinha, glad to see you are back. can't wait to see your new stuff. btw, i don't get any file from you. if i did, i would have done it. please send again if you still have the file, or, send me your new work. let's do collaboration.
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Birthday present for my nephew - he was 9 yesterday. _Presente de aniversário para o meu sobrinho que completou ontem 9 anitos!
Primeiro lugar, Categoria 3D, na 3ª edição do Concurso da Fundação da Juventude, Porto. Trabalho realizado em quilling (filigrana de papel). Na sua construção foram cortadas, enroladas e coladas cerca de 650 fitas de papel. O martelo incorpora os símbolos do São João - manjericos, um fogareiro com sardinhas a assar, o alho porro, um pequeno martelo e um balão, além do santo popular. As cores dominantes são verde-manjerico e azul-douro por razões óbvias! Escolhi esta técnica porque queria obter um produto final popular. O martelo remete claramente para as decorações sanjoaninas, muitas delas feitas em papel, e ainda para o floreado do ferro que adorna tantas varandas e portas da cidade do Porto, sem esquecer, também que a filigrana (mas em metais nobres) é uma arte tradicional no norte do país. Uma semana de trabalho, que incluiu aprendizagem, desenho e finalização, com algum stress pelo meio! Inspirado pela minha paixão pela cidade do Porto, dedico ...
Thanks for the comments! Your stuff is so cool - very different. I'll be back for more!
Tdo bom? vamos esperar até quando? Está tudo bom contigo?
Um beijo carioca
come on. Can't wait any longer people lough at me and throw tomatoes.
8:24 PM
Você está dando uma volta hoje em España?
Mundobasket 4final Japan.....
Do you have basketball in Portugal?...
Even I'm waiting for a new collage...And many thanks for your beautiful comments and thoughts. Yeah, that's very true...West portrays India exactly the way you've mentioned...But unfortunately there's so much more better things here which, I'm sure, they dont even know of!! Trust me, India is one of the most beautiful countries in the world...You get virgin beaches, untouched himalayan peaks, endless deserts...You name it , India has it all!! Of course.....Not to mention the beautiful and big-hearted people, who inspite of all the bad living conditions, live life with a smile on their faces!!
Best wishes
Take it easy!it's too hot this summer,just go to beach and enjoy
Inspiration? it don't come easy.
Na praia, com amigos, descansando, voce sabe...
Did you kill the virus?...
What antivirus do you have?...
O clamor popular pede, colagge, collage e nada.....
Vamos chamar Mr. Bush E Señor Blair para negociar uma saída pacífica. Toda a blogsfera vai agradecer.
Beijo Belinha, Volta a recortar quando vc sinta vontade.
"holding her breath until she's blue"?
Come back come back come back!
I miss your collages!
hey this image is not loading for me...
Pulo Santos
I made also Collage works...
Miss you so much.
You're here finally!
I'm looking forward to see your new collages, please, don't post them ALL together, we need time to see each one!
It's a pity you lost so much work. Did you also loose the illustrations for the book you were preparing- i hope not...
Thanks for visiting, i'll be back to see the new posts!
Está a chegar o GRANDE dia.
Até lá
take care and nice weekend!
It's so nice to receive your message,welcome back !