#58 Men and women - How do men see women?


Anonymous said…
essas colagens são novas, belinha? não as conhecia. estão ótimas!

ah, acabei de ir ao sketchadabadu. não sabia que era seu. assim pude ver as outras obras em corel que vc fez! lindas!

mais um link pros meus favoritos!
Poetree said…
THis is funny, and may agree
Lori Witzel said…
#56, #57 and #58 ...every week I see something that makes me smile!

Lovely fun work, Belinha!
turquoise cro said…
Phew! I LIKE this!!! FUNny!!! Happy Week-end sweetie!!! xo Thanks! for the stay well message!!!
dodo said…
Right you are!

Both collages are lovely they're simple and funny, your own personal style!
harlequinpan said…
It's really temptation eyes!?
lovely work with such a boffo.
Jafar said…
Hehe....Cant stop smiling...Very creative, not just the collage but the concept, as well!! Hope you're doing great, Belinha! You're in my favourites now!

Anonymous said…
Olá Belinha
Gostei do teu blog e sobretudo da simplicidade destas imagens.
Obrigado pela vizita e comentário ao meu blog.
Um abraço
Rui Sousa
Anonymous said…
É evidente que onde eu disse "vizita" queria dizer "visita"!!!
Cool Daddio said…
Very insightful;-)
What MARVELOUS art you create!

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