Papelustro convida-vos a conhecerem o trabalho de Morandini
Papelustro invites you to know Morandini's work

  • Obrigada Morandini!


    Mauricio said…
    Oi Belinha,

    Sorvete Bambi é demais....Risos

    Que idéia boa de misturar os artista numa collage, este fim de semana te mando um mail e digo a que eu gostaria, ok?

    Treinando muito na digital?

    bom finde....
    Aku said…
    oh dear oh dear... you're so productive. i like the different objects in the artworks. it shows your creativity.

    i love gecko. try to do art with gecko. thanks for inspiration.

    how did you do collaboration? digitally? please share.
    Marcelo Niño said…
    lindo, lindo, muy lindooooo
    Art&Tal said…
    como queiras.

    se tiveres tempo e vontade...

    o espaço está reservado.

    as coisas nao devem ser feitas

    se nao houver energia e tempo.


    Aku said…
    thanks belinha! nice digital collaboration. great idea!

    more works this weekend?

    have a great weekend!
    cläu said…
    qué lindo todo, muy original!!!
    tienes un estilo propio muy marcado, te felicito!
    Lori Witzel said…

    Lovin' this!
    Found you thru Frank H., and your stuff is sooooo interesting -- for example, Small Green Evil is just great spooky fun.

    May I link?
    It will help me remember to visit your neighborhood more often.
    TheTart said…

    Found U via Lori via Frank!

    The Tart

    BTW, I love the music.
    ; )
    TheTart said…
    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
    Anonymous said…
    Esses peixitos estao muito charmosos. Lindo trabalho em colaboracao.

    Marcia - Vivendo em Miami
    Anonymous said…
    Esses peixitos estao muito charmosos. Lindo trabalho em colaboracao.

    Marcia - Vivendo em Miami
    Anonymous said…
    Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
    Anonymous said…
    Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

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