#49 Sci-Fi Story Part IV >...in a mission to save Earth from the ugly aliens!


Artic said…
dodo said…
It's very funny, very creative. U made all the principal characters-why not go on and make a longer story out of it?
intruso said…
...or save the earth from the ugly humans! ;)
mr pavement said…
cara belinha,

sebastião, o cão amarelo, é meu. faz parte do agregado familiar.
Gnarfdeath said…
I love this character, he looks awesome!!
Gnarfdeath said…
I love this character, he looks awesome!!
FreeCyprus said…
Is this all your creative work?

And yes, I will keep visiting if you keep visiting.

Take care

-- FreeCyprus
Hellenic Reporter
Colpani said…


Véio Rosa BrotherHood

Heresy and subversion

(with translation for english, spanish, japanese, chinese, greek, arabian and others)

made in Brasil

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