
Aku said…
hi belinha! ehm thanks!

you are so productive. i really like your collage. you selected the color very well. you must have spent a lot of time with stack of magazine. and you are good with shapping by cutting.

i will try to make one today for "illustration friday". ehm..

enjoy eve!
Alexiev said…
Che, que buenas ilustraciones... que lindo estilo... me encanta... ¿Son collage digital no?
Me encanta la cromatica... va todo...

Saludos desde Buenos Aires...
the doodlers said…
Gorgeous collages. Is it all digital? We found you through Crookies' comments. We'll add you to our links. And come back again. Cheers!
Tyler Stott said…
well, thanks for swingin by my blog!!! you deffinately have a unique style, but hey guess what??...its nice!!! great stuff on your blog!!!
Tyler Stott said…
well, thanks for swingin by my blog!!! you deffinately have a unique style, but hey guess what??...its nice!!! great stuff on your blog!!!

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