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First, let’s learn about FOTOLIA and what it can do for you. 1. What’s Fotolia ? It’s the first worldwide social marketplace for royalty free stock images , allowing individuals and professionals to legally buy and share stock images and illustrations. In fact, it’s the largest image bank of free and most affordable royalty free photos and illustrations perfect for any medium, web or print. 2.What are Fotolia ’s advantages? - Time is money ! Fotolia’s services will save you time, as you are much more likely to find what you need quickly. Plus you don’t get poor search functionality on Fotolia. If you look for baby photos you can be sure you’ll get baby photos and not puppy photos. When you look for a photo and can’t get it fast enough you’ll be stressed. Fotolia will help eliminate this kind of stress so you can dedicate your strength to create just brilliant work! - Many times I used free photo sites. I had to read about every photo I used! Sometimes I had to contact the photo...