I got tagged by Frank! So here it is –the six weirdest things about me: 1. I can’t stand the milk skin. It really makes me chill,I feel sick, I can’t describe it. 2. I don’t through away the small wooden colour or drawing pencils – for years I’ve been keeping the little pencils in empty transparent wine or whiskey bottles. 3. When I go abroad I like to steal postcards. 4. I take all bone off fish no matter how small it is–only then I feel safe to eat fish (that I enjoy very much) 5. I can’t live without my long nails since I was in high school. I cut it and care for it only on Saturday. 6. I’m obsessed with cutting fashion magazines and transforming it into little paper creatures! And the Famous Tagg of Weird Things About Yourself goes to: Dodos – Jorge - O’Sangi – Guaico - Capitão-Mor Fui marcada pelo Frank ! Aqui estão seis coisas esquisitas a meu respeito: 1.Não suporto a nata do leite. Fico arrepiada, enjoada, é difícil descrever mas acho-a nojenta. 2. Não deito no lixo os restos ...